2014 camp

How long don’t you take a break?
Let’s come to National Dong Hwa University in hualien this summer !
Do you want to have the most beautiful summer time?
Welcome to CSIE summer camp!

Official Website : http://csiesa.csie.ndhu.edu.tw/camp/2014/
our camp’s mail : ndhu.csie.camp@gmail.com

  • Organizers : Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Dong Hwa University
  • Co-organizer : Extracurricular Activities Group and Student Association of CSIE, NDHU
  • Date : 2014/7/5(Sat.) to 7/9(Wed.), a total of five days and four nights
  • Place : National Dong Hwa University(No. 1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng, Hualien 97401, Taiwan, R.O.C.) and Hsiukuluan river
  • for whom : High school students
  • Limit numbers:25 people
  • fee :
    • for one person : $NT4000(Including accommodation, catering, insurance and other expenses.)
    • for two people : $NT3800/each(Including accommodation, catering, insurance and other expenses.)
    • for four people :$NT3500/each(Including accommodation, catering, insurance and other expenses.)
  • Registration deadline : from now to 2014/6/16(Mon.)
  • Payment deadline : from now to 2014/6/23(Mon.)
  • How to register:go to our website and click on “I want to sign up” ,download the “Registration Form” and email to us(ndhu.csie.camp@gmail.com).Once we get yours message, we will email to you, and you can pay for the activity after that.
  • How to pay:you can transfer or use remittance. After your paying, please email to us for double check.
      • Bank Code:中華郵政 700
      • Account number:0091390 0000932
      • Username:國立東華大學資訊工程學系系學會
    • Transfer:the last five numbers of the transfer account, username, and the time you finish your paying.(You can see the information in your schedule.)
    • Remittance:remitter’s name, remittance date, and please write your name in the remarks column.

    ※ After we get the money, we will email or send message to you.
    How to transfer by using ATM:http://ebill.must.edu.tw/files/atm1/atm1.jsp

  • Note : we will send Pre notice, camp regulations and other related documents to you.

    ※If you can’t not come accidently, please email to us and write the following information:

      • your name
      • phone
      • Payee’s A/C No.
      • remitter’s name
      • what kind do you pay
    • If you cancel this camp before 2014/6/12, we will give you all your money and get $NT50 for fee.
    • If you cancel this camp before 2014/6/21, we will give you half of your money
    • If you cancel this camp after 2014/6/21, sorry you can’t get your money back.
  • Contact :
      • Camp’s email:ndhu.csie.camp@gmail.com
      • Camp’s leaders:
      • Chief convener 王楷明 0923-279633

        Deputy convener 陳智育 0933-060202
      Counselor 林育慈 0953-381533

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