2015-Spring Begins on 2/24 (Tuesday) and Registration…

All Students,

Please follow this NDHU Academic Calendar: http://www.aa.ndhu.edu.tw/ezfiles/6/1006/img/946/103calendar_en.pdf

2/13~2/23 — Winter Break and Chinese Lunar New Year Holiday, No Office.
2/24   – Spring Semester 2015 Begins
2/25~2/26 — Registration Day
● Pay Tuition,
● On-Line Registration system ( https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/AA/REG/register/ ), must update Bank Account info, Emergency Contact, Address, …etc.
● Get Register Sticker on Student ID Card from the Department Office

2/27~2/28 — 228 Memorial Day – Holiday
3/2    — resume regular school hours

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