NDHU 107-2 International Exchange Program Sharing

Welcome to attend NDHU 107-2 International Exchange Program Sharing!

Office of International Affairs, NDHU, invites the students who had been participated in the exchange program to Nan-Jing University (Mainland China, 中國南京大學), Lan-Zhou University (Mainland China, 中國蘭州大學), Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany)、University of Lodz (Poland)、California State University, Monterey Bay (USA)、University of Pardubice (Czech Republic) to share their experience.

Although this sharing will be in Chinese, but our students and staff can answer your questions in English.

If you are thinking to participate or like to know more about this exchange program, welcome to attend!

Time:12:30-14:30 noon
Place:Humanities and Social Sciences Building (I), Room C203

In addition,This event is also part of crossed-disciplinary 120 hours requirement. It will issue 2 hours for your participation. Please register accordingly (keyword:107-2國際交換學生分享會) :https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/XSL_ApplyRWD/ActApply.aspx

More information on applying NDHU International Exchange Program:https://oia.ndhu.edu.tw/files/11-1114-8503.php?Lang=zh-tw

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