Alumni Lecture-2023/05/29(Mon.) –A Lesson Worth of USD 20,000,000 by Pokai Chen (Graduated 2001.06)–English Lecture

Speaker:         Pokai Chen (2001 Bachelor’s Degree graduate)

Current Post: General Manager of 艾智能 Company


  • Bachelor’s Degree of Dong Hwa CSIE
  • Master’s Degree of Computer Science Department in Chiao Tung University
  • Doctoral Candidate of Computer Science Department in Chiao Tung University.
  • Used to work as an information security engineer in Acer, Trend Micro and other companies.
  • Invented the skill of air-signature. Won more than ten innovations and entrepreneurship awards in the US, China, Singapore, etc., and obtained patents in US and Taiwan.
  • Founded AirSig Company, which was invested by the chairman of Foxconn Technology Group with 2 million US dollars, setting a record in Taiwan’s venture capital.
  • Youtuber, “愷哥電腦科普” 


Date:          29th May 2023 (Monday)

Time:          12: 10~13:30

Location:    Science Building II Room A337

Registration Link: Link

*Note: This activity can be certified for cross-domain hours. ONLY CSIE department students can register. The activity hours will be registered within a week.

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