Important Dates(06.11UPDATE)
Procedure of MasterPh.D Final Oral Defense Exam Application and Procedure of Exit SOP_2024 Spring
Tasks to be completed before leaving campus:
1.Upload proof of completion for the “Academic Ethics Course Regulations”
2.Upload proof of passing the English proficiency exam. Course completion is not required for submission.
3.Upload proof of programming proficiency
*Participate in the internally conducted CPE (Computer Proficiency Exam) organized by the department. Results will be centrally accessible on the CPE website
4.Please proceed to the thesis similarity detection system to check the similarity of your thesis. Afterward, upload the detection results to the “Thesis Similarity Detection Results” form. This process should be done for both systems.
5.School leaving questionnaire
6.Graduate Departure Procedure Form (Check for any outstanding processes such as library books not returned, dormitory electricity bills, etc.)