5 Years-Bachelor and Master Combine Program

NDHU CSIE Guidelines for the Acquisition of a Bachelor and Master degree in 5 years



第 一 條 依據本校「五年修讀學、碩士學位辦法」,為協助本系大學部成績優異學生提前修讀本系碩士班課程,以期達到精深學習及縮短修業年限之目的,特訂定本細則。
Rule #1: These guidelines have been formulated to encourage outstanding undergraduate students to register for graduate-level courses at earlier date in order to achieve the goals of intensive study and to shorten the study duration of undergraduate and master degrees in Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering.

第 二 條 本系大學部學生(含轉學生)修業滿五學期,得於第六學期起在開學後一個月內向本系提出申請,甄試門檻及甄試程序如下:
(1) 甄試門檻:學生歷年成績班排名為同年級前50%以內或專題研究表現傑出者(請檢附專題指導教授推薦函)。
(2) 須繳交在校歷年學業成績單、名次證明及各項有利審查之資料(如專題研究計畫)。
(3) 錄取名額:視當學期情況核定之。

Rule #2: Undergraduate students (including transfer students) may apply for Early Registration for graduate-level courses of MA programs offered by CSIE department and degree program, starting in the second semester of their junior year (or starting from the 6th semester).
(1) Selection Criteria::At least “Top 50% of the class ranking”, or “Excellent Performance” in 3rd-year Special Project (with Adviser’s Recommendation Letter).
(2) Submit Official Transcript from all school years, Proof of Class Ranking, and any awards/certificates.
(3) Admission quota:varies by condition.

第 三 條 甄選程序為學期註冊日後,由本系(所)所務委員會召開書面審查會議。
Rule #3: The selection procedure will begin after NDHU Semester’s Registration Date. The applications will be reviewed by the Graduate Study Committee of CSIE Department in a fair and just manner.

第 四 條 本系(所)本公平、公正原則,決定錄取學生名單,錄取名單應經系(所)務會議通過,並依行政程序報陳校長核定後公布之。
Rule #4: Qualified Applications will be reviewed by the CSIE Departmental Meeting (系務會議), College-Level Meeting (院級會議), and proved by the Registration Section of NDHU Academic Affairs Office.

第 五 條 經被錄取為五年修讀學、碩士學位之學生(以下簡稱準研究生)需提前選修碩士班必修課程,但修習課程應遵守學校及本系(所)碩士班修業要點之規定。
Rule #5: Students who have been admitted for Five-Year BA-MA program (below referred to as quasi graduate students) are required to take Master’s required course in advance, following the regulations of the respective department or degree program in the selection of courses.

第 六 條 準研究生必須於第八學期(含)之前取得學士學位,並參加國立東華大學任何碩士班入學管道,獲得通過者,始正式取得碩士班研究生之資格。其報到、註冊及保留入學資格等事宜比照碩士班招生錄取新生相關規定辦理,入學後之修業規定,悉依本系(所)規章辦理。
Rule #6: Quasi graduate students have to acquire their Bachelor’s degree by the eighth semester. Quasi graduate students still have to follow the formal procedure to apply for admission to the Master program and get admission. The regulations for reporting to the university, registration procedures, and deferral of enrollment are identical to those for newly admitted students to the MA program. The degree regulations upon admission are based on the rules and regulations of individual departments and degree programs.

第 七 條 本細則未盡事宜悉依本校「五年修讀學、碩士學位辦法」辦理。
Rule #7: Regarding tuition and fee refund, payment discount, Master degree requirement, and more detail, please refer to NDHU’s “Guidelines for the Acquisition of a BA and MA degree in 5 years” here: ( https://rb004.ndhu.edu.tw/p/406-1004-168724,r1065.php )

第 八 條 本細則經系務會議及理工學院行政主管會議通過後,送教務處核備後實施,修正時亦同。
Rule #8: These guidelines and all amendments are implemented upon ratification by the Departmental Meeting, the College Meeting, the Academic Affairs Committee, and approval by the President.

Note:You may download the application form here:

Application Form for Five-Year Bachelor-Master Program