108 Academic Year (2019 Admission) NDHU CSIE International Master Program Planning

108 Academic Year (2019 Admission) NDHU CSIE International Master Program Planning

A. Minimum Graduate credits:
  Minimum Requirements:30 credits
  Compulsory Courses: 6 Credits
  Elective Courses: 24 Credits
B. Important Rules and Regulations:
1. At least half (1/2) of the courses studied must be offered by the Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering.

2. Master’s students may select any Master and/or Ph.D. level courses to study; the course credits can be counted toward graduation.

3. Credits earned in courses of the same name offered by other departments or institutes may be substituted (up to 12 credits maximum) toward elective course requirements with the approval of the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee. Credits earned from CSIE courses are exempted from the credit substitution limit.

4. Each master student must select “Special Topic Lecture” (I), (II), (III) and (IV) course each semester while in program or until graduation.
Only the credits from “Special Topic Lecture”(I) and (II) can be counted toward the graduation.

5. Each master student must select “Thesis” course every semester while in program or until graduation. At most 4 credits earned by this course can be counted toward the graduation.

6. All students must pass the Primary Programming Proficiency Exam in order to graduate.

7. All students must fulfill the English Proficiency Requirement for Graduate Students in order to graduate.

8. In addition to this requirement, all scholarship awardees must follow the scholarship regulations and requirements to complete the degree.

9. All Master/Ph.D. students shall Take and Pass the “Academic Research Ethics Education Curriculum” from the “Taiwan Academic Ethics Education Resource Center” online platform. Please come to the CSIE Department Office to register this class and present the qualified certificate. All Master/Ph.D. students must pass this requirement before Oral Defense Exam.

Course Title English Course Title Course Code Credit Remark
Compulsory Courses
論文研究 Thesis CSIEM0400 2.0 Compulsory every semester
專題講座(一) Special Topic Lecture (Ⅰ) CSIEM0020 1.0 First grade required
專題講座(二) Special Topic Lecture (Ⅱ) CSIEM0080 1.0 First grade required
Elective Courses
深度學習基石與實務 Foundation and Practice of Deep Learning CSIEM0310 3.0 Original name: Neural Networks
分散式系統 Distributed Systems CSIEM0140 3.0
電腦網路與通訊 Computer Networks and Communications CSIEM0250 3.0 Original name: Personal Communications Network
下一代網際網路 Next Generation Internets CSIEM0120 3.0
虛擬實境 Virtual Reality CSIE@0580 3.0
數位訊號處理 Digital Signal Processing CSIE@0610 3.0
計算理論 Theory of Computation CSIE@0590 3.0
高等程式語言 Advanced Programming Languages CSIEM0150 3.0
高等演算法 Advanced Algorithms CSIE@0620 3.0
密碼學 Cryptography CSIEM0300 3.0
高等資料庫系統 Advanced Database System CSIEM0070 3.0
高等計算機結構 Advanced Computer Architecture CSIE@0560 3.0
影像處理 Image Processing CSIEM0180 3.0
物件導向式軟體工程 Object-Oriented Software Engineering CSIEM0260 3.0
人工智慧 Artifical Intelligence CSIEM0270 3.0
高等計算機圖學 Advanced Computer Graphics CSIE@0570 3.0
圖型識別 Pattern Recognition CSIEM0230 3.0
高等編譯程式 Advanced Compilers CSIE@0650 3.0 Original name: Advanced Compiler Theory
計算生物學 Computational Biology CSIEM0320 3.0
高等軟體工程 Advanced Software Engineering CSIE@0660 3.0
高等圖形理論 Advanced Graph Theory CSIEM0280 3.0
高等電腦繪圖系統設計 Advanced Computer Graphics System Design CSIE@0670 3.0
高等電腦視覺 Advanced Computer Vision CSIE@0680 3.0
智慧型系統設計 Intelligent System Design CSIE@0690 3.0
專案管理 Project Management CSIE@0700 3.0
高等資訊檢索 Advanced Information Retrieval CSIEM0420 3.0
機器學習 Machine Learning CSIEM0170 3.0
超大型積體電路設計 Very large integrated circuit design CSIE@0720 3.0 Original name: Application-Specific Integrated Circuits Design
系統晶片設計專題 Special Topics on System-on-Chip Design CSIE@0740 3.0
嵌入式系統軟體設計 Software Development for Embedded Systems CSIE@0760 3.0
無線網際網路 Wireless Internet CSIEM0160 3.0
錯誤控制碼理論 Error Control Coding CSIE@0770 3.0
普及計算 Pervasive Computing CSIE@0780 3.0
資料探勘 Data Mining CSIE58600 3.0
語音處理與辨識 Speech Processing and Recognition CSIE@0790 3.0
高等資料結構 Advanced Data Structures CSIE@0800 3.0
數位遊戲與人工智慧 Artificial Intelligence in Digital Games (Game AI) CSIE@0830 3.0
平行計算 Parallel Computing CSIEM0290 3.0
雲端計算 Cloud Computing CSIEM0060 3.0
作業系統工程 Operating system engineering CSIEM0360 3.0
智慧行動應用設計 Smart Mobile Application Design 3.0
大數據系統 Big Data Systems CSIEM0410 3.0
數位學習科技 Digital Learning Technology 3.0
資訊分享管理技術 Information sharing technology 3.0
資訊安全管理系統 Information Security Management System CSIEM0390 3.0
最佳化與決策專題 Topics on optimization and decision making CSIEM0050 3.0
異質無線網路漫遊與換手技術 Roaming and Handoff Technologies of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 3.0
最佳化方法與應用 Optimization methods and applications CSIEM0380 3.0
網路服務與應用 Network services and applications 3.0
高等應用統計學 Advanced Applied Statistics 3.0
智慧型數位學習 Intelligent digital learning 3.0
柔性計算系統實務 Realization of Soft Computing Systems CSIEM0370 3.0
大數據分析 Big Data Analytics CSIEM0350 3.0
柔性計算 Soft Computing CSIEM0130 3.0
LoRa網路程式設計服務 LoRaWAN program design and service CSIEM0330 3.0
區塊鏈原理與應用 BlockChain Principle and Application 3.0
數位學習專論 Advanced Digital Learning CSIEM0340 3.0
電腦視覺與深度學習 Deep Learning in Computer Vision 3.0
*Others /
專題講座(三) Special Topic Lecture (Ⅲ) CSIEM0040 1.0
專題講座(四) Special Topic Lecture (Ⅳ) CSIEM0090 1.0
科技英文寫作 Science and Technical Writing CSIE@0900 3.0