NDHU / CSIE Exit Procedure SOP

All International Students who is graduating from NDHU should follow these Exit Procedures:

1. All exam scores must be available on system.

2. NDHU 單一離校窗口 NDHU Single Window Exit Check-Out:
You need to return all borrowed items, pay all unpaid balances, fulfill all requirements, and complete few surveys. All items on this check-list must be completed, and all symbols must be “O”.

3. CSIE 畢業問卷 CSIE Graduating Student Feedback: https://www.csie.ndhu.edu.tw/en/newlist-en/108-2-csie-graduating-student-feedback-2020-june/

4. Master / Ph.D students must follow CSIE Master/Ph.D. Degree Final Oral Defense Exam Application SOP (https://www.csie.ndhu.edu.tw/en/newlist-en/ndhu-masterph-d-degree-final-oral-defense-exam-application-sop2020-06-03/)

5. Request your Diploma and Transcript from Academic Affairs Office.

6. Notarize and Authenticate your Diploma and Transcript right away. This is very important to do so for the future job or the advanced education.
6-1 Notary Service in Hualien
( 花蓮縣花蓮市林森路399號 http://www.notaryher.com/services.html )
Fees: NT$750 for a document in English (max 5 copies for each doc)
Processing takes 1-2 days.

6-2 Authenticate your documents at the Bureau of Consular Affairs (BOCA) in Hualien
( 花蓮縣花蓮市中山路371號6樓 https://www.boca.gov.tw/np-138-2.html )
Fee: NT$400 for the authentication of each notarized/verified original document
What: Passport, ARC, Original Documents, Notarized Documents

7. Go to Immigration Office, change your ARC status from “Student” to “Other – Looking for job (覓職居留證)” You may need your Diploma, Passport, ARC, 2-inch photo to apply.

If you already have job, then change your ARC status from “Student or Other” to “Work”.

Don’t let your ARC expire — you may be penalized or even rejected when renew.

8. Go to National Health Insurance Office (970花蓮縣花蓮市軒轅路36號), change your status and update your address to the latest. Your NDHU tuition/fee payment covers upto 7/31. You should continue to pay the insurance premiums from 8/1 and receive the NHI insurance coverage.

9. Apply new working permit — Professional Worker have new rules and regulations https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw/wcfonline/wSite/Control?function=IndexPage

~~ Check with OIA’s office to see if you miss anything. ~~

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