【Honor】Joel Chang Won 2021 AIGO Competition Award !

【Honor】CSIE Senior Student Joel Chang participated in 2021 Industrial Development Bureau (MOEA) AIGO Competition, and received the Excellence Work Award !

Taiwan’s Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs holds the “AIGO Talents Training Program 「AI產業實戰應用人才淬煉計畫」” every year. The main model is “Industry Questions x Talents Solving Problems”. The problem is set by the industry, and the problem-solving team adopts AI-related technologies to assist the industry to solve problems and improve productivity.

According to the concept content and execution ability proposed by the problem-solving team, the judges evaluate “the degree of solution of industrial problems”, “the maturity of AI technology application”, “commercial application value and innovation highlights”, and “the possibility of follow-up cooperation between the industry and problem-solving team” to give a final score.

Among the 231 teams that participated in the problem solving this year (2011), there were 6 Grand Awards, 11 Outstanding Awards, and 15 Excellent Work Awards. The competition was very fierce. NDHU CSIE Senior Student Joel Chang’s project was selected as the Excellence Work Award! Congratulations!!

Industrial Problem: 裝訂業機器摺紙精準度AI影像辨識

In addition to the academic excellence, Joel also participated Taiwan Spartan Race game!

More detail on AIGO Competition:https://aigo.org.tw/zh-tw/competitions