【Honor】NDHU AI Team’s PolyGames recommended by Turing Award winner!

National Dong Hwa University Pervasive Artificial Intelligent Research Team and Facebook Artificial Intelligent Research Team developed a deep reinforcement learning program—PolyGames, was recommended by Turing Award winner Dr. Yann LeCun !

AlphaZero is a successor of AlphaGo, developed by Google. AlphaZero can beat AlphaGo by 100% win rate. Based on AlphaZero, National Dong Hwa University Pervasive Artificial Intelligent Research Team and Facebook Artificial Intelligent Team has developed a general-purpose deep reinforcement learning program—PolyGames. Polygames provides a library of included games, as well as a single-file API to implement and derivative various board games programs. With the effectiveness and strong model performances, Polygames has won various Gold medals in Computer Olympiad and other international Computer Game Tournaments, including the first bot to beat a top-tier human player in the game 19×19 Hex.

Led by Dr. Shi-Jim Yen, Professor of Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering, National Dong Hwa University Pervasive Artificial Intelligent Research Team (PAIR@NDHU) had ten researchers cooperated with six RDs from Facebooks Artificial Intelligent, Led by Dr. Olivier Teytaud, for one year. PolyGames was published on GitHub in 2020 and was recommended by the ACM Turing Award Laureate, Dr.Yann LeCun, in public.

Related News: https://ai.facebook.com/blog/open-sourcing-polygames-a-new-framework-for-training-ai-bots-through-self-play/

ACM Turing Award Laureate, Dr.Yann LeCun recommended PolyGames in public

ACM Turing Award Laureate, Dr.Yann LeCun explained PolyGames can beat human player in the game 19×19 Hex

Facebooks senior research Dr. Olivier Teytaud was introducing PolyGames in NDHU AI Center


國立東華大學人工智慧團隊與FB人工智慧研發團隊合作發表深度學習程式— PolyGames,榮獲圖靈獎得主 Dr. Yann LeCun 公開推薦 !

AlphaZero 為 Google 繼 AlphaGo 之後開發的深度強化式學習的方法,在圍棋上對 AlphaGo 可以有百分之百的勝率。國立東華大學人工智慧團隊與 FB人工智慧研發團隊合作開發通用型 AlphaZero 之深度強化式學習遊戲程式— PolyGames,可以使用同一程式開發各種棋盤遊戲,自動生成有水準的遊戲程式,在國際奧林匹亞電腦對局等各個國際比賽中獲得了金牌,並且在 Hex 項目首度擊敗人類。

資訊工程學系顏士淨教授所主持的國立東華大學人工智慧團隊 (Pervasive Artificial Intelligent Research Team, PAIR@NDHU),共有十位師生,與 Dr. Olivier Teytaud 所主持的 Facebook 人工智慧研發團隊,六位 RDs 進行一年的國際合作,開發 PolyGames。 PolyGames 已經於2020年初公開發表在 GitHub 上,並且榮獲圖靈獎 (ACM A.M. Turing Award) 得主暨深度學習大師 Dr. Yann LeCun 公開推薦,可見本成果相當受到國際矚目。

Dr. Yann LeCun 推薦連結: https://ai.facebook.com/blog/open-sourcing-polygames-a-new-framework-for-training-ai-bots-through-self-play/