- 國立東華大學 資訊工程學系暨研究所 - https://www.csie.ndhu.edu.tw -

6/12(五)資工系/電機系 聯合專題演講


覺揚股份有限公司(WiziGo,Inc.),為群暉科技股份有限公司(Synology,對,就是那個在中小企業及家用NAS市場占有率居世界首位的台灣公司)創辦人之一廖群先生,於2018年9月創立之新創公司,是一家教育軟體公司,辦公室位於花蓮市;目前主要為運用科技軟體開發『覺揚教育平台』,此為記錄學生生涯引導的適性教育平台。透過人機科技介面,記錄日常生活學習歷程、運用數據分析引導學習及多元課程資源連結改變學習模式,提升學習動機及協助適性發展,讓學生享受學習的樂趣。願景是希望突破孩子學習障礙,運用科技引導學習,培育社會多元人才。覺揚秉持以人為本、客製化及共好理念,成為輔助各產業資訊科技開發的軟體公司,以智慧科技、全程服務、人性介面為核心價值,視拓展不同領域軟體開發能量,輔助企業及組織運用科技推展各項服務為使命,目前主要提供以下服務– 1.教育軟體開發:(1)開發「生涯學習歷程平台」;(2)建置「多元探索學習」平台;(3)設立「適性評量及多元進路平台」; 2.filemaker應用開發; 3.客製化軟體開發; 4.軟體人才培育。





軟體開發趨勢 – 以覺揚生涯學習歷程平台為例

Software development trends – Take the Wizigo e-portfolio platform as an example




What is the difference between a trend and a hit? A hit is temporary. It could be burned out soon after the explosion. However, a trend will last longer, and it will affect more industries and markets. Studying the ups and downs of stock market or housing market can let you find the opportunities to pursue good fortune and avoid disaster. Understanding the trends of software development can make you more effective with less effort and become the hottest talent in the future. For those students who want to enter the software technology industry, what are the popular areas in the future? What kind of programming languages and tools should I learn? What kind of abilities should I have to enhance my competitiveness in the workplace? By sharing the development experience of Wizigo e-portfolio platform, we will let you understand the trends of software development in the future; keep up with the need of the job market; direct you to your career planning.

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