10/04(五)資工系/電機系 聯合專題演講:時間提前至13:30

10/04 speaker:


地點:理工二館3F 工四講堂(A307)

本週邀請到HTC的 台灣區陳柏諭總經理,前來進行演講。

陳總經理為國立台灣大學MBA碩士,曾任蘋果電腦業務經理、Studio A總經理、宏達電業務經理、宏達電台灣區業務處長,現任宏達電台灣區總經理。機會難得,敬請踴躍出席。


Title:VR未來應用與市場淺談(Past, Present and Future Prospects of VR)

-什麼是VR?(目前市場概況&發展)what is VR?

 -VR目前的應用(成功案例)The VR scope of application

 -HTC於虛擬實境扮演的角色(軟體/硬體/平台/加速器計畫)HTC position of virtual reality Future development of VR


HTC will work in the following three directions in the future:

  • Establish a business ecosystem of VR, establish a community of software, hardware, marketing, and creative talent exchange, and connect resources and reciprocity. It will also use the platform database to provide members with valid information.
  • Actively cooperate with schools to provide school VR technology teaching, establish industry-university cooperation opportunities, and cultivate VR professionals.
  • HTC will keep toward the content platform(VIVE PORT),enterprise total solution and the platform that assists in the production of content in the future.so that people from all walks of life can understand the application of VR and upgrade the industry. VR can be used in the fields of audio-visual, medical and education.
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