NDHU CSIE Senior Student, Andrew Lao awarded as “Top20 Hult Campus Director” honor on 2021.05.24, to recognize his efforts on the Community Awareness and on the Hult OnCampus Program execution !
More than 1200 applicants competed for the global Top20 Hult Campus Director title. After fierce evaluation, NDHU CSIE Senior Student, Andrew Lao received this great honor.
Andrew Lao served as the Campus Director during 2020.05 to 2021.05. He was committed to promoting the “NDHU Hult Prize OnCampus Program”, including the Qixingtan beach cleaning and fishermen interview activities in October 2020. In November 2020, he and the team organized the “NDHU Hult Prize Preliminary Contest”. The challenge theme was “FOOD FOR GOOD: Transforming food into a vehicle for change”. There were 29 teams and hundreds of students participated. In the end, 5 teams were selected to advance to the Hult Prize Regional competition. In December 2020, he organized the industrival visit to “The News Lens”. In March 2021, he was invited to the Hualien County Government Office to share the project plan with Mayor Hsu. In April, he led three teams to participate in the first regional competition held in Taipei. In addition, he held several Chinese and English workshops.
“NDHU Hult Prize OnCampus Program”, led by Andrew Lao, with deputy leader 材料三戴瑋呈,activity leader 管財二黃靖芸,promotion leader 經濟四謝瑋育,treasury 會計二吳奕璇,public relations 自資四鍾佳妤及國際組不分系二林星,plus CSIE students 張宸瑋、Rodan John、Wini Winata、and Mehtab Khalil as the International Promotion Team members。
Lao said that this award was the result of the joint efforts of NDHU Hult Team. He was only a representative of the award. The honor should be attributed to the cooperation of all the students and the assistance of the teachers. In the future, he will work harder to gain more honor for the National Dong Hwa University. Special “Thanks!” to NDHU for continuous support on the campus activites during the epidemic prevention period. In particular, Dong Hwa University emphasizes diversification, cross-fields, and independent learning. It is one of the few universities where students can choose courses freely by themselves. Over the years, NDHU has abundantly supporting and guiding the “NDHU Hult Prize OnCampus Project”, funding and subsiding students’ participations in both domestic or overseas competitions.
In Andrew’s junior year, he and 企管羅文璘、洪詩喻、and CSIE 蔡明翰 classmates formed the “Oh Wow!” and won the 2020 Hult Prize Tokyo Regional Final 6 !
Hult Prize was founded on 2009, in a partnership between United Nations Foundation, Hult International Business School, Hult Foundation, and Bill Clinton Foundation. The Hult Prize is an annual, year-long competition that crowd-sources ideas from university level students after challenging them to solve a pressing social issue around topics such as food security, water access, energy, and education. More then 121 countries, 3000 colleges and universities, 1 million students are participated. The Hult Prize has been referred to as the “Nobel Prize for students” by Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus.
Department of CSIE encourage students to take challenges !!
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