

I. 每學期服務時數至少18小時。
For each semester, service learning should be eighteen hours at least.
II. 每位同學可參與一至數種不同單位所提供之志願服務。
Every student can join more than one service learning activities from different units.
III. 合作單位與相關表格可參考國立東華大學服務學習網。
Service learning forms & possible activities can be found at http://www1.genedu.ndhu.edu.tw/gec/SL_Page/cooper.php
IV. 系辦提供部份時段的服務學習時段,由學生自行前來填寫。
For each semester, CSIE department provide several service learning activities. Please consult department assistants or check out department webs.
V. 每位同學需繳交「期初規劃報告」與「期末服務學習成果報告」各一份。
Every student should submit “service learning proposal” as midterm report and “service learning report”as final report.
VI. 服務學習(二)助教 : 陳正誠 (p_p971@hotmail.com) 實驗室 : 理工二館D304, C324分散式計算實驗室.
Teaching assistants can be found at engineering building D304, C DC Lab.
VII. 有問題或建議可向負責老師反映 : 服務學習(二)蔡正雄老師(chtsai@mail.ndhu.edu.tw)
For questions and suggestions, please email Prof. Chang-Hsiung Tsai (chtsai@mail.ndhu.edu.tw)

其他注意事項 :

一、 服務活動規劃報告 Service Learning Proposal (written on paper)
1. 每位同學應繳交書面報告一份,請準時交給助教 (10/30 以前)。
Every student should hand in a preliminary service learning proposal (by 10/30).
2. 內容規劃本學期預參與的服務活動,說明參與活動之原因、想法或緣由,並說明預計執行的方式和預期成果。
In the service learning proposal, you can scheme out the service activity you are going to join in this semester and explain why you choose this unit and activity. Please also include how you plan to execute the service activity and the expectation of your final result.

二、 期末服務學習成果報告 Service Learning Report (written on paper)
1. 每位同學應繳交書面報告 & 志工服務記錄表 & 服務學習課程時數認證表,請準時交給助教 (12/31 以前)。
Every student should hand in a final service learning report, a service learning record, and a set of service learning certification forms (by 12/31).
2. 書面報告內容應說明本學期參與所有活動之經過,與規劃報告之差異性及完成度,和心得反思與未來工作。
Final service learning report should record all processes of every service learning activities which you joined. Please point out the difference between your proposal and actual service learning activity, figure out the completion degree of your plan. The reflection of your experience and future work should also be included in the final report.
3. 活動經過簡述可以使用文字和照片記錄等方式呈現。
You can use short phases and some pictures to describe and record your service learning activity.

三、 國立東華大學志工服務記錄表&服務學習課程時數認證表 National Dong Hwa University Service Learning Record & Service Learning Certification Form
1. 參加系上舉辦之學術研討會或演講,每一個活動可以抵1小時,每學期最多以3小時為限,由助教或助理簽名認可。
Student can attend the keynote speeches or conference hold by the department; each speech can offset one hour practical service. For each semester, speech attendance could only offset three hours practical services as maximum.
2. 參與校內外其他單位之服務活動,應由服務學習單位簽名認可。
Student can attend service learning activities offered by other units. Please ask service administrator to sign on your certification form afterwards.
3. 參與校外服務活動,記得要注意安全,並且要提前三天辦理保險,保險事宜請向系助理辦理。
Students who attend volunteer service activity outside the campus should be aware of personal safety and apply for insurance three days in advance. Please consult the department assistants for insurance affairs.

消息類別 :