Constraint-Based Test Case Generation for Black-Box Method-Level Unit Testing
This talk introduces a constraint-based approach to automatic generation of test cases for black-box method-level unit testing. The problem of automatic generation of test cases is formulated as finding an effective set of solutions to a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP =
Finding an effective set of solutions to the CSP can be carried out in three steps. First, the behaviors of the method are partitioned into equivalence classes of behaviors. Second, a test coverage criterion is provided to constraint the number of equivalence classes. These two steps can be carried out based on constraint logic graphs (CLG). A CLG can be viewed as a succinct graphical representation of the disjunctive normal form (DNF) of the specification. Each complete path in the CLG corresponds to a conjunctive clause in the DNF and corresponds to a test case. The determination of the input and output for this test case is formulated as a CSP and expressed in constraint logic programming (CLP) predicates. CLP provides a powerful constraint solving capability and can solve the input and output simultaneously.
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