【實習資訊】高通半導體有限公司 (Qualcomm)

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高通半導體有限公司 (Qualcomm) Qualcomm is the world’s leading wireless technology innovator and the driving force behind the development, launch, and expansion of 5G. When we connected the phone to the internet, the mobile revolution was born. Today, our foundational technologies enable the mobile ecosystem and are found in every 3G, 4G and 5G smartphone. We bring the benefits of mobile to new industries, including automotive, the internet of things, and computing, and are leading the way to a world where everything and everyone can communicate and interact seamlessly.。

工作內容:Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated Is the world largest fabless semiconductor manufacturer of Digital, RF, RFFE, PMIC, and Analog products serving the Mobile (4G LTE, 5G), Connectivity, Compute, Automotive and the Internet of Things (IOT) markets. Product and Test Engineering (PTE) is offering exciting internship opportunities which apply DFT strategies, design principles, and test concepts into real world semiconductor applications. Interns will be trained by experts and will perform DOEs and data analysis on large volume production data with the goal of correlating findings back to pre-silicon simulations. The position offers an exciting and nurturing environment for college students to explore a career in the field of semi-conductors.

實習地點: 新竹市東區公道五路二段101號6樓
實習部門: Product and Test Engineering (PTE)
實習人數: 10人

實習工作時段: At least 20 working hours per week, 3 to 6 months internship

– Our goal is to rollover intern to be regular employee once graduate (實習後轉正職)
– 碩、博士優先,大學應屆可
– 英文需聽說讀寫皆佳
– 各校電機、電子、通訊、電腦科學、資工等研究所學生

甄選方式: 1.履歷(自傳+歷年成績單) 2.書面資料審核通過後面談

聯絡人:Jenny Chen
職稱:人資專員 (Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist)

更多細節: https://www.csie.ndhu.edu.tw/wp-content/uploads/CSIE_Internship_高通半導體有限公司.doc