Rules for Seminar 106-2

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** Rules for Seminar 106-2
Total # speeches: 14

● 每位同學至少參加 10 次,繳交書面報告10次。 Every student must at least participate 10 sessions and submit 10 reports.

● 每次上課前須簽到,當天應繳書面報告,每次以一頁A4為限,必須在下課時隨即交件。 Sign in before the speech begins and submit the report (in one A4 sheet) at the end of the class.

International students:
● Basically the rules mentioned above apply to you.

● However, if you have difficulty to catch the points (e.g. the lecture and slides are both in Chinese), you may choose another (online) speech and submit the report. You still need to sign in before the class begins.

● Participation in other lectures/ conferences is also acceptable. Show the proof of presence with your report.