11/04 speaker:
本週邀請到行品股份有限公司(Skywatch Innovation)共同創辦人陳維超 博士 / Dr. Wei-Chao Chen(北卡羅來納 大學/University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill),前來進行中文演講。
陳維超 博士專長為電腦繪圖、視覺之研究開發,曾開發繪圖晶片如 PS3 RSX 及 NVIDIA Tesla 等,研發成果發表於各類學術期刊,亦取得多項國際專利,並獲各類國際媒體報導。
Bio:Wei-Chao Chen is a co-founder at Skywatch Innovation, a company that provides cloud- based video products and solutions. He is also an adjunct faculty member at the National Taiwan University. His research interests involve graphics hardware, computational photography, augmented reality, and user interfaces. Dr. Chen worked in Nokia Research Center at Palo Alto as a senior research scientist between 2007-2009, where he co- authored and co-developed papers, patents and applications related to mobile computer vision and computational photography. Prior to Nokia he was a 3D Graphics Architect in NVIDIA between 2002-2006 and was the shader architecture lead for several graphical processing units (GPUs), including the Sony Playstation 3 RSX GPU. While at Intel Corporation during 2000-2001, he was involved in the development of the OpenCV library, the Light Field Mapping technology, and the open source light field project (OpenLF).
Dr. Chen received his MS in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University (1996), and MS (2001) and PhD (2002) in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Smarter Places: Challenges in Intelligent Video Surveillance and Sensor Networks
We live in an era of ubiquitous network-connected sensors. We instrument our places with cameras, sensors and switches to make buildings smarter, and places more responsive. But how do we strike a balance, between sufficient smartness to disburden the users, and too much intelligence such that human have to relinquish control?
In this talk we discuss the status and challenges in the general field of video surveillance, and our current progress toward answering these questions at Skywatch. These include technologies and services to enable reliable capture of both video and sensor data, and algorithms for extracting sensible information from these data. We will also provide a hint about future directions we are moving toward to.