4/24(五)資工系/電機系 聯合專題演講

本週邀請到普鴻資訊股份有限公司(台灣股票上櫃公司)林群國董事長及吳樂亞 技術副總經理,前來進行演講。

普鴻資訊成立於2000年,擁用近150名員工,主要業務產品分為「支付應用」、 「金融應用」、 「資訊安全」、「委外服務」四大產品線。 本公司的技術團隊致力於金融領域知識及創新技術的培養,並時時關注客戶需求、國際趨勢及市場競爭狀況,快速因應市場需求,並達到創新服務效率。 有鑑於支付及清算系統是促進一國經濟體系及金融市場發展的重要基礎,普鴻長期深耕金融業客戶,以專業的產業知識與創新卓越的技術,專注於支付清算與資訊安全的系統研發,為客戶提供穩定且優質的服務,期許自己成為客戶之策略夥伴,共創雙贏。 未來,普鴻將持續發揮研發創新的價值,除了原本擅長的技術創新,將致力將服務推向前端的使用者,協助客戶整合商流、金流、資訊流,以達到跨業、跨界之目標。



One FinTech Scene – InsurTech An InsurTech sharing

金融科技應用場景-保險科技InsurTech 分享



Insurance plays an important role in our daily life. Everyone plan properly to manage risks with it. As known, Insurance is fairly traditional industry and seldom uses attractive technologies to grow business and gain customer satisfaction. However, according to recent digital transformation trend, it has driven Insurance Industry to adopt innovative approaches to satisfy new generation experience about IT transformation, such as:
–High wireless network speed
–Smartphone and IoT
–Cloud Computation,
–Big Data, Blockchain
–Information Security

By these new implementations above, it disrupts the insurance industry quicker as we expected. Hopefully, based on this InsurTech Intro., it can give IT students some initiatives to understand how their IT oriented majors are applied and used in the financial sectors (e.g. Insurance), and help them to explore FinTech world more successfully.