Dear All,
It is the Spring Blossom Season, just as good for you to participate these great events!
1. 4/30 (Monday): The “Genius For Home” Contest, sponsored by MediaTek Co., will host the Workshop in NDHU to explain the event, and to assist students to participate the contest. The Workshop will be in Chinese, but the Contest is open for international students as well. We encourage you to sit in and learn more.
Date:2018.04.30 (Monday) 13:30 ~ 17:00 (13:30~15:00 is must)
Location: Lecture Hall III, Science Building I NEW LOCATION: Lecture Hall I (room C203), Humanity Building I
Top Prize is NT $1,000,000 (1 team)、Excellent Prize is NT $200,000 (3 teams)、Special Prize is NT $50,000 (3 teams) 。Introduction of Contest
2. 4/30 (一) ~ 5/1 (二) NDHU, Dept of EE, Dept of CSIE present The Wireless and Optical Communications International Conference (WOCC) 2018 in Fullon Hotel, Hualien, Taiwan, on April 30 and May 1, 2018. (
Other than Oral and Poster Presentations, Keynote and Invited Speeches, the Conference will also present the Deep Learning Application Tutorial (free, no cost). You should not miss it!
The Conference will be held at Hualien Fullon Hotel (花蓮市民生路51號)。
Detail Schedule is here :
For CSIE graduates:
Must attend the “same day” conference (Keynote Talk + Parallel Session/Tutorial), that will be counted toward 1 attendance for 2018 Spring Friday Seminar. If you attend both days, that will be counted toward 2 attendance for 2018 Spring Friday Seminar.
The Conference Organizer will waive your “registration fee (worth 3700NT)” and furthermore provide you a “Breakfast” + “Lunch” + and Round-Trip transportation. Please do keep your registration!
All are invited!!
The Registration System will be closed after 4/25 (Wednesday) 12:30 ~ Please do it now!。
Registration: WOCC 2018 Conference